Tuesday, January 10, 2012


There is nothing unususal with this date because it is just like an ordinary date among others. It only catches my attention for reason that 21.02  or Feruary 21 is the exact opposite of the year 2012 thus making them in a perfect combination being 21.02.2012.

In this very popular date of December 21, 2012 according to the Mayan Calendar in correlation with the Gregorian Calendar, December represents the 12th month, and 21st of this month represents the exact ending date (00.00.00) of the cycle of their Long Count Calendar and at the same time the start of a new cycle. This will be during the winter solstice of 2012, when the night is the longest.

However, December according to the Roman Calendar represents the number "10" and not "12" making January as the 11th month and February being the 12th month. The Gregorian Calendar was a modification from the Roman Calendar during the time of Pope Gregory, thus the name Gregorian. Now, if we are really looking for this date of 12.21.2012, we might be lost if taking December as 12 the fact that this month means "10".

On Ferbruary 21, 2012, the only very significant occurence will be the "New Moon" at 3:35 PM or 15:35 Eastern Standard Time.

Here is an article which probably will give a better astrological idea of the significance of this date.

To Comprehend That Which is Hidden, Nudges the Pisces New Moon on Feb 21 2012?

As our sojourn through the cold winter months is taking an upward turn towards the thought that spring is near, and that new hopes and wishes are on the horizon and are about to bloom soon.  Our feelings and plans for the year are gaining a momentum all its own.  Within this sense of excitement and energy the 2 Pisces 42 New Moon at 2:35 pm PST on February 21st 2012 makes its appearance nudging us to grasp and to comprehend our hidden beliefs, our hidden secrets and our hidden mysteries that lie dormant in our consciousness and our sub consciousness for our benefit and use, no matter how the year turns out for each of us.  With Neptune, Mercury, Chiron and two other asteroids conjoining the Moon and Sun in Pisces, it is like the joker in a field of playing cards that may be a help or a disadvantage, but not without pain.

As the old axiom “where there is no pain, there is no gain” will be making its presence known and felt during the coming year.  Uncovering and revealing these thoughts and moments which are hidden in the back of our memories, gives us the time and opportunity to resolve issues that may be a hindrance or a benefit for our further growth.  It is in experiencing the pain of reliving the moments we have conveniently laid aside that understanding and comprehending the circumstances, that healing comes about.  With healing comes acceptance and forgiveness and in time we will extend our gratitude for experiencing the trials and tribulations, in so doing, we begin to understand their part in our development.  This new awareness and confidence is the extra ingredient we need to help, to create and to bring into fruition our desires and hopes in the coming year.

“The Sabian symbol for the 3rd degree of Pisces is taken from “The Sabian Symbols in Astrology by Marc Edmund Jones”, and what follows are my comments.

Pisces 3  A petrified forest  This is a symbol of the absolute certainty which any individual may develop in the terms of his conscious knowledge, and of the power in human character which becomes the hallmark of his intellectual orientation.  The static symbolism is a warning against any reliance on stabilities to which no immediate or personal contribution is made, and which in consequence may become obstacles to progress.  Here rather is dramatization of an eternal stoutheartedness, and of its very practical dividends in spiritual continuance.  The keyword is survival.  When positive, the degree is effective continuity and breadth of resource in human effort, and when negative, complete immobilization in superficial reality.

This symbol speaks to us about convictions, intellectual certainties, character, concepts and ideas that survive long after they have been conceived.  It is the image of endurance, but at the same time it alludes to inflexibility, stubbornness, resistance to change and the inability to adapt or improvise at any moment in time.  One begins to realize and suspect that the picture we have of our self may be a stumbling block instead of a stepping stone to accomplish our dreams.  This symbol speaks to our inner soul, by epitomizing and demanding us to search within our deepest thoughts, that the convictions we held so dearly and live by as truth for so long, still resonates and supports us in accomplishing our wishes and dreams.  If we hope to live this year as fully as possible, we need to listen and to take advantage of the energy and power of this New Moon in Pisces.  By trying to grasp and to comprehend the hidden beliefs, secrets and mysteries of our consciousness within us and to change it, if need be.  Then and then only, will we be able to transform our stumbling block into a stepping stone in which to generate and live a life joyfully and with satisfaction.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Spring of 2015

There are rumors and theories that the world will end in the year 2015, based on biblical and scientific studies, including news published on NASA's website. The sky will reveal many episodes that people have never seen before and dramatic events will take place on Earth that have never happened before.

A pastor, Mark Biltz, who preaches mostly on the Old Testaments and the ancestors of Christianity, is proposing facts that an uncommon occurrence of lunar and solar eclipses will fall on God's annual holy days, seven years from the year of when Jesus' Second Coming will occur.

Mark stated: "God wants us to look at the biblical calendar. The reason we need to be watching is because He will signal His appearance. But we have to know what to be watching as well. This is why we need to be watching the biblical holidays."

According to an interview with the pastor about the prophecy, Biltz revealed that he had been studying the sun and moon, and then looking back to the book of Genesis where it states the sky would be for signs and for seasons.

"It means a signal, kind of like one if by land, two if by sea. It's like God wants to signal us."
The "season" means God's feasts and festivals.

Written in Joel 2:31, Joel said: "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the lord come."

And then in the New Testament in Matthew 24:39, 30, Jesus stated: "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light... And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."

As stated in these two verses, it refers back to the sun being darkened and the moon not showing light. This can be easily explained as some astronomical catastrophe, including the sun sputtering or the cycle of an eclipse. Ever since, Biltz began investigating the exact timing of solar and lunar eclipses, sometimes known as "blood moons" for the bloody color it emits. After logging onto NASA's website, he found a rare phenomenon of four continuous lunar eclipses, known as a tetrad, occurring six times within this century.

With reference back to the verses, four blood moons coincide with the holy days of Passover that takes place in spring and autumn of the Feast of Tabernacles, between the years 2014 and 2015. In the previous century of 1976 to 1968, the four blood moon appeared to the Jerusalem recaptured by Israel. This same pattern stemmed back to the 1500s.

But the most amazing aspect of 2015 is all the eclipses will appear. From the Passover to the Fest of Succoth. Which after it happens, Jesus will come back.

Sources: Ending of World and Youtube

How the World Will End?

With a year packed full of strong solar flares affecting communications, future volcanic predictions and giant asteroids passing dangerously close to Earth, what kind of cataclysmic events are most likely to push humans to the brink of extinction? We look at some of the most popular doomsday theories and examine whether these five natural phenomena could end the world as we know it – or whether they are just pure science fiction.

Meteorites and Asteroids

Giant pieces of rock falling from space made exciting plots for ‘90s sci-fi movies like ‘Armageddon’ and ‘Deep Impact’.  Meteorite impact or The ‘Alvarez’ hypothesis met criticism when the theory was first raised in 1980, but it has since been widely accepted that a meteorite strike could have actually wiped out the whole dinosaur population over 65 million years ago.

Solar Storms

Powerful solar storms exactly like the ones the world witnessed at the beginning of 2011 occur once every eleven years as the sun’s magnetic field flips over. ‘Solar Cycle 24’ has been building gradually with the number of sunspots and solar storms set to reach a ‘solar maximum’ by 2013. Super solar flares send great geysers of hot gas and huge quantities of charged particles erupting from the surface into space. These flares of charged particles, called ‘coronal mass ejections’, slam into the Earth's magnetic shield impairing electrical devices in their path.

Pole Shift

According to some modern astronomers and an ancient Mayan prophecy, on the winter solstice of 21 December 2012, Earth will be in exact alignment with the sun and the centre of the Milky Way galaxy - an extraordinary event which happens once every 25,800 years. No one knows exactly what effect this alignment will have on Earth, but the Mayans believed that the consequences of the inter-galactic occurrence would be catastrophic, prompting the world’s end. It is imagined that a magnetic field effect reversal will take place, where the entire mantle of the earth would shift in a matter of days, changing the position of the North and the South Pole. Such a rapid change in the Earth’s dynamics would result in earthquakes, tsunamis, global climatic change and eventually the ultimate planetary disaster, similar to the one depicted in the disaster movie ‘2012’.

Super Volcano Eruptions

2010’s eruption of Eyjafjallajokull in Iceland brought air travel across Northern Europe to a virtual standstill, but if one of the largest known super volcanoes was to blow, it could cause a global disaster of biblical proportions. According to volcanologists, the last super volcano to erupt was Mount Toba in Sumatra, Indonesia, 75,000 years ago. Thousands of cubic kilometres of ash and sulphur dioxide were thrown into the atmosphere - so much that it blocked out light from the sun all over the world, resulting in global temperatures plummeting by 21°c. It is imagined that black acidic rain would have fallen due to gas poisoning. Such an event supposedly eradicated mankind, cutting the population to just a couple of thousand people, and three quarters of all living plants in the northern hemisphere are thought to have been killed.

Global Warming

Should the Earth’s average temperature continue to rise at the rate it has done over the last 50 years, the face of the Earth as we know it will change, say climatologists. The reasons for this type of man-made climate change have been well-documented and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says it’s not too late to save our planet as leading figures try to stop the ill-effects that the Earth’s population and living species will experience from the so-called ‘greenhouse effect’ before the world becomes unbearable for man to live in.

Sources: Yahoo! News and Youtube

Saturday, January 7, 2012

When The End Will Come?

When the World is Going to End?

Some people say the future can be predicted. Yes, there's a truth on it. We can predict what will happen tomorrow, the next month or the next coming years based on past and present actual events. We can predict when the stock market will fall, when the next election will be, or what your next birthday would be. But predicting when the world is going to an end is something beyond the ability of man to see what is beyond time. The Bible is clear, in Mark 13:32, "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." Hence, it is a nonsense to say that the world will going to an end on the year 2000, or on May 21, 2011, or on October 21, 2011. These dates already passed away and yet mankind is still here setting another dates to come as the end of the world being December 21, 2012 while others even say, "No, it will be on the year 2015".

Whatever the reasons behind these claims, let us examine their propositions why these dates were picked as most likely the dates for the end of the world.

Y2K (Year 2000) or Millennium Bug

During 1960s to late 80s there was a widespread practice in all computer softwares to use two digits for representing a year rather than using 4 digits. This was done to save computer disk and memory space because these resources were relatively expensive in those times. As the year 90's approached experts began to realize this major shortcoming in the computer application softwares. In year 2000, the computer systems could interpret 00 as 1900 messing up all the computing work. For example if a program function is calculating difference between two dates, it would calculate a negative number. For example difference between 1 Jan 2000 and 31 Dec 1999 could be calculated as -100 years rather than 1 day. This was a major bug for the whole finance industry. The bug not only existed in computer software but it also existed in the firmware being used in the computer hardware. In general this bug threatened all the major industries including utilities, banking, manufacturing, telecom, and airlines.

In defense, it would be more catastrophic if the computers controlling weapons of mass destruction will interpret the year 2000 as 00 and would mean "nuclear annihilation of mankind".

"The Y2K problem is the electronic equivalent of the El Niño and there will be nasty surprises around the globe." (John Hamre, United States Deputy Secretary of Defense)

Read more: Y2K

May 21, 2011

The Bible lists very few specific dates for events, so calculating Judgment Day is a daunting task. It takes a healthy leap of faith to take the Family Radio summation as fact, but if the numbers are correct — and biblical evidence stands true — Judgment Day could indeed be upon us on May 21, 2011.

Most of us roll our eyes when we stumble across an apocalypse theory. But Family Radio has been proclaiming May 21, 2011, as the veritable Judgment Day, and the prediction has been getting a lot of attention. How could the network come up with such a specific date? NewsFeed crunched the numbers to see if the calculations could indeed signal the second coming of Christ, using passages from the New International Version of the Bible.

The Great Flood Struck in 4990 B.C. Family Radio president Howard Camping determined the date of the flood by cobbling together information from the Bible. Starting with the exodus of the Jews out of Egypt, commonly thought to have occurred in 1447 B.C., he counted back through each generation to form a timeline, reaching the year 4990 B.C. for the flood.

The accuracy of this date is paramount to Camping’s argument, but he seems to be one of a minority group in arriving at this number. Other biblical scholars say the flood happened around 2000 B.C.

Seven Days’ Warning of the Great Flood. “Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.” (Genesis 7: 4)

People had seven days to prepare for the great flood — an apocalyptic event in that time. This number serves as a benchmark.

Seven Days Equals 7,000 Years. “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.” (2 Peter 3:8)

Using the seven-day warning as a benchmark, Camping’s calculations take this passage to heart. He added 7,000 years to the great flood date of 4990 B.C. (accounting for the fact that Year Zero doesn’t officially exist in the Gregorian calendar we use today) to determine the date of the next destruction of humanity. But isn’t this number a bit contrived? After all, no other biblical event used a multiplier of 1,000. So why this one?

Month 2, Day 17. “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month—on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.” (Genesis 7: 11)

The great flood occurred on 17 Iyar of the then standard Hebrew calendar, which 7,000 years later corresponds to May 21 in 2011.

Taking this evidence into account, Camping and his crew predict that earthquakes will shake the world at 6 p.m. on May 21. But many nonbelievers of the prediction, particularly religious ones, refute Family Radio’s claims using other biblical evidence. After all, would God truly reveal his plans in a calculated manner?

Read more: Judgement Day

October 21, 2011

Harold Camping realized that he made a mistake predicting the rapture was going to occur last Saturday (May 21, 2011). Bewildered, he realized while talking to a friend that the May 21 date was correct, but the rapture did not occur on that date as he thought it would.

"We've always said May 21 was the day, but we didn't understand altogether the spiritual meaning," he said. "The fact is there is only one kind of people who will ascend into heaven ... if God has saved them they're going to be caught up. (Camping, 2011)"
This is a beautiful statement because it leaves the door wide open from now until October 21st for the rapture to occur. Matthew 24:36 "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

So there you have it. Harold had to learn the hard way that "No one knows about that day or hour" of the rapture. Luckily for us however; Mr. Camping does know the time and hour of the apocalypse, just not the rapture.

Mayan Calendar

Nostradamus Prophecies

Many people are asking, "Did Nostradamus predict the end of the world?" The very short answer to this question is no. Michel de Nostredame, later to become known as Nostradamus, was born in France in 1503 and died in 1566. He was a very well-educated man, an astrologer, an author, and a doctor, who specialized in the treatment of the Bubonic Plague. He became known as one of the leading experts in the treatment of the Plague. In spite of his expertise, his wife and two children succumbed to the illness and subsequently died from it.

His 'so called' prophesies and predictions have been extracted from the approximately 1000 letters he wrote in 4-line (quatrains) and 6-line (sixains) verses. In one of the letters, he clearly states (in plain French) that his predictions will go on for thousands of years, out to the year 3797. This is not a prediction for the end of the world, rather a statement about how far his projections would extend.

His astrological bent had a great deal to do with the content of his writings. Astrological authorities believed that history inevitably repeats itself. In one of his pieces, he wrote: "But the certainty of things past and present gives us confidence in things to come." Nostradamus had only to look back at the ancient chronicles, in particular those regarding 'omens' to find an abundance of material for his quatrains, and sixains. This he did to great effect.

Nostradamus' Fate

The largest part of early seminal prophetic texts was written in Latin and included numerous scholarly abbreviations. They were printed in an unfathomable gothic script. This is critical because it meant that only the 'educated' could read them, let alone hope to understand those texts. It is known that Nostradamus had the access, and the ability to understand these classical works. He plagiarized from these, in some cases practically verbatim, to fill his letters. Some of the works are listed below:

·         Virgil's Eclogues (42-37 BC), Georgics (37-30 BC) and Aeneid (19 BC)
·         Julius Caesar's Gallic War (1st century BC)
·         Pliny the Elder's histories (1st Century BC)
·         Strabo's Historical Memoirs (1st century BC to 1st century AD)
·         Livy's History of Rome (1st century BC to 1st Century AD)
·         Petronius's Satyricon (1st century AD)
·         Suetonius's The Twelve Caesars (AD 120)
·         Plutarch's Parallel Lives (1st-2nd centuries AD)
·         Lucian's True History (2nd century AD)
·         Eusebius's Ecclesiastical History (4th century AD) and especially Julius Obsequens's On Omens (4th century AD)
·         Villehardouin's La Conquête de Constantinople (1209-13)
·         Joinville's Histoire de Saint-Louis (1270-1309), first printed in 1547
·         Froissart's celebrated Chroniques (1358 onwards, first printed 1504)
·         Commynes' Memoires (1489-98)
·         D'Auton's Chroniques de Louis XII (1499-1508)
·         The Rozier historial de France (1522)